The Incredibles – Plot Summary style

incrediblesJoin us on the action packed, thrill seeking adventure that is the Incredibles. A family of superheroes or  ‘supers’ forced into hiding and living the suburban grind find themselves once again thrust into the lime light after unfulfilled dad, Mr. Incredible, finds himself in the clutches of super-fan turned super-villain Syndrome. Though Syndrome doesn’t possess super powers he uses his scientific prowess to invent gadgets that gives him the same capabilities. His prized gadget the omnidroid, a tripod like robot, is perfected over time as he pits it against super after super until they or it is destroyed. The family, Helen or elastigirl (his wife), sons Dash and baby Jack-Jack and daughter Violet are thrust into the battle against the omnidroid when Syndrome’s assistant Mirage invites Mr. Incredible to his lair on the island of Nomanisan to defeat the omnidroid. For a while Mr. Incredible enjoys his employment, until he discovers the man behind it and his fallen comrades. After suffering a tear to his suit, Mr. Incredible goes to Edna Mode his former costume designer to get a new one, unaware that his wife doesn’t know about his renewed crime-fighting career Edna designs suits for the entire family. When Helen grows suspicious of her husband’s activities and goes to visit Edna, she soon learns of his whereabouts after activating a tracking device, in doing so inadvertently alerting Syndrome to his location and leading to his capture.  Helen acquires a jet and leaves the kids at home in pursuit of her husband realising mid-flight that Dash and Violet are also on-board, having left Jack-Jack behind with a baby sitter.  Soon after Syndrome intercepts a transmission from the aircraft and sends missiles to destroy it.  Mr. Incredible hears the desperate plea of his wife to disengage but it is too late and he believes his family dead. Unbeknownst to him his family indeed survived the crash and were heading to the island. Helen then infiltrates the base and learns of Syndromes plans, whilst Mirage releases Mr. Incredible after being upset by Syndrome’s callousness after her life was threatened. The two reunite to find Violet and dash holding their own against Syndrome’s guards. The family are captured but soon escape in time to follow a rocket wielding the improved omnidroid back to their home city where Syndrome plans to disable it using his remote control and garner favour with the public. His plans are soon dashed when the robot outwits him and targets the control panel located on his wrist and knocks him unconscious. The family are left to battle to droid and soon the battle turns in their favour when they detach one of the robots claws and using the remote fire it into its core disabling its power source. Invigorated and on thier way home Helen discovers, after receiving a harrowing voice message, that Syndrome has captured baby Jack-Jack who plans to raise him as his own side kick to exact revenge on the family. As syndrome ascends Jack-Jacks prior dormant powers come into fruition causing Syndrome to drop him. After Jack-jack is safely back on the ground Syndrome nearly escapes until his cape sucks him into the engine of his jet. The family are celebrated with public adoration until new villain Mole Man erupts from the ground and declares war on earth. This family flick is a must see and will keep viewers entertained from start to finish.

About brynhusband

I'm your average young person, don't know where to begin and don't have many ideas. So hopefully the ideas I do have will appear on here. In an attempt to create some form of portfolio of written work I have decided to create this blog. If you ask me what its about then I couldn't tell you because I just don't know. I'm to indecisive to plan ahead more than a few days so I can't predict what is coming. My inspiration for writing consists of ideas that pop into my head and more commonly ones that are implanted their by others. The main reason I am publicising my writing is to hopefully gather constructive criticism which will help aid my improvement. It's also nice to be writing for a purpose rather than at random. I've been interested in writing since I first learnt how, so hopefully I'll be good enough at it to make sense and perhaps provoke some interest. All I ask is that you read my spiel and if you find it dull, repetitive or incomprehensible please let me know, oh and enjoy! :)

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